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Photograph of Nancy Sydnor-Greenberg

Nancy Sydnor-Greenberg Coordinator, Learning Services Program UEAS | Student Disability Support

B.A., English, University of Virginia; M.A., English, Catholic University

Nancy Sydnor-Greenberg has been Coordinator of the Learning Services Program in the Academic Support and Access Center since the fall of 2005. Prior to joining ĢƵ, she worked as a free-lance writer for national advocacy organizations, covering national, state, and local developments in mental health, developmental disabilities, and learning disabilities, as well as communication in healthcare, and children and families facing medical crises. Previous to her free-lance writing work, she was the project coordinator at the American Psychiatric Association (APA) for its major publication, DSM-IV, and subsequently she was a consultant to the APA, coordinating the work of the organization’s Institutional Review Board. Before that, she was Assistant Registrar for Academic Policy at Harvard’s Division of Continuing Education, which houses both Harvard’s Summer School and the Extension School.

Partnerships & Affiliations

  • National Association of County Behavioral Health and Developmental Disability Directors
    Consultant and newsletter writer

Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities

Selected Publications

Monthly online newsletter for the National Association of County Behavioral Health and Developmental Disability Directors, accessible at .

Sydnor-Greenberg, N. & Dokken, D. (2001). Communication in healthcare: Thoughts on the child’s

perspective. Journal of Child and Family Nursing, 4(2).

Sydnor-Greenberg, N. & Dokken, D. (2000). Coping and caring in different ways: A perspective on

understanding and meaningful involvement. Pediatric Nursing, 26(2).

Sydnor-Greenberg, N. & Dokken, D. (2000). Helping parents and children cope with chronic conditions

in school. Journal of Child and Family Nursing, 3(6).

Dokken, D. & Sydnor-Greenberg, N. (2001). Communication in healthcare: The parent’s perspective.

Journal of Child and Family Nursing, 4(1).

Dokken, D. & Sydnor-Greenberg, N. (1998). Helping families mobilize their personal resources.

Pediatric Nursing, 24(1).

Professional Presentations

Learning Disabilities, ADHD, and College: Supporting a Smooth Transition,” Walt Whitman High School, Bethesda, Maryland, October 2007.

“Students with Learning Disabilities and Psychiatric Diagnoses: Preparing for College,” Project Access Annual Meeting, April 2007.

“Breaking the Silence: Promoting Parent/Professional Partnerships Around Complementary Therapies,” Pediatric Nursing 16th Annual Conference, September 2000.

Honors, Awards, and Fellowships

Pediatric Nursing Excellence in Writing Award, 1998, for “Helping Families Mobilize Their Personal Resources.”